
Monday, June 27, 2005

It has been almost a year, but I am going to give this thing another shot.

Here I am to share what I have to say with the rest of the world. I don't have much to say tonight, rather I want to refer you to something else to read. Zel Miller wrote a book called Defecit of Decency, and I strongly encourage you to buy and read this book. It is excellent. Zel Miller for those of you who don't know gave a speech at the Republican Convention last summer. He is a Democrat. More importantly, and he states this in the preface, he is a Christian. If all you read is the preface while standing in Barnes & Noble, I urge you to read those 7 or 8 pages. It is a powerful piece of literature.

I look forward to getting this thing going again, so start checking in from time to time to see what I have to say.


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